Next Level Calling is a destiny call echoing that our life is for a God-ordained purpose & reason. This destiny call searches questions that almost every person has had at some time or the other like – Do I have a call of God on my life, what is it, and how do I fulfill it? This destiny call then reaches through philosophical, spiritual, and the physical elements to help you fulfill your Next Level Calling.

- Reverse Spiritual drought by deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ – the Living Word of God.
- Rebuild bridges between the Spiritual & the Natural by practical application of God’s wisdom.
- Relevant Engagement in today’s marketplaces with the Holy Spirit, and not on appearances or hypocrisy
Next Level Calling‘s mission is three-fold:
- Spiritual Disciplines: Through our various resources and outreach, we encourage hearts and minds to grow in the grace and knowledge of God.
- Christian Apologetics: Distinctly termed as Agapao Apologia, the ministry is intended to touch both the heart and the intellect of the people. Because people deserve respect and a safe forum for discussing their views.
- Mentorship: Results-oriented business mentorship that includes one-on-one interactions, workshops, participation in events & mixers and more
- Training: Entrepreneurship & business training based on Biblical principles that incorporate active investments, the rubber meets the road approach and relevance that’s applicable in today’s marketplaces
- Business Incubation: As part of an empowerment eco-system that promotes entrepreneurship & business development, limited co-working spaces will be offered to Proteges to spurt success & significance.
- Events: Events that shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the gospel.

Next Level Calling is a 501c3 nonprofit religious organization that relies on the faithful financial giving of the people. However, we are vehemently opposed to fleecing people for financial gain. People are encouraged to give as it’s God’s ordained way to be blessed and to be a blessing. We don’t sell or pander in God’s free message of grace. All Non-exempt activities including entrepreneurship & business offerings will be provided like the scripture says “a workman is worthy of his wages”.
God’s calling is Not a career, job, or vocation. It may involve work but it’s ultimate purpose is to discover one’s purpose & reason for existence on this earth. A calling is unique and not passed down. A mantle may be passed over but never the anointing. Where there’s no anointing a passed-down mantle is just another cloak. Rebuilding bridges between the Spiritual & the Natural by practical application of God’s wisdom.
Unlike what differing ideologies may say, you cannot discover the meaning and purpose of your life by looking within yourself. You must begin with God, your Creator, and his reasons for creating you. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.
God’s purpose comes first. Deeper level teaching of God’s word is our focus. Remember we are made for beyond this earth and our lives need to be about more than that. Reversing Spiritual drought by deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ – the Living Word of God
Relevant Engagement in today’s marketplaces with the Holy Spirit not on our external appearances alone. Cultures & viewpoints change but truth never does
Apologetics is the person of Jesus Christ and not a battle of witty words. God’s Love invades and eclipses any reason. 1 Peter 3:15 says “…to those who see the hope in you”. Our approach to apologetics addresses the true seekers that Jesus Christ and the cross of calvary is all the reason that exists and is needed.
When we gather in one place or via the airwaves we do that foremost to meet God and not just other people. This is not a networking organization. Calling comes from God and can only be fulfilled by walking in closeness to Him. We do not respond to congregational culture or popularism when it comes to spiritual matters, but only to God’s authority. We tell it like it is and are not worried about attendance and memberships.
Our ministry is built on a central theme – You are not an accident. Even before the universe was created, God had you in mind. His purposes extend far beyond the few years you will spend on earth. You were made to last forever. Walking in your calling will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and most importantly prepare you for eternity
“Join us as we take a deep dive into the love of God in Jesus Christ, answer the tough questions, dare to engage in the world, and prove His Call for us.”
Next Level Calling is a 501c3 exempt Non-Profit Religious Corporation formed in the state of California. All donations to this organization are 100% tax-deductible to the donor above the cost of any products or services received by the donor. Any nonexempt activity transaction is treated as such and reported as fully taxable and not exempt.